Childrens Corner

Welcome to the Children’s Corner By KDO the Imagineer

To the parents;

We have a WONDERFUL opportunity to celebrate the JOYFUL CREATIVITY, SPONTANEOUS ENTHUASIAM and INNOCENT TRUST placed in the hearts of children. With the tools of music, joy, play, art, creative writing and speaking it is our trust and our explicit joy to “stir up the gifts” in those precious little ones within our sphere of influence.

Please join us as a larger group… as we” press on toward the mark of our high calling in ChristJesus:” The scripture: “out of the mouths of babes and sucklings…” is not a rare happenstance. Children both open the doors of innocent trust for adults and emulate the walk that they see being walked out by the adults in their families and friends circle.

Using creative music beats, virtual trips through parks, museums and fun activities such as work searches and Bible stories, we will learn how God’s Word helps us in our everyday life. We hope that families will take this journey together.

With great anticipation we look forward to entering a journey that promises to strengthen our heart, mind and spirit!

Faith Pirho Inc
Faith Pirho Inc
Faith Pirho Inc

FaithPiRho Kingdom Kids

Faith Pirho Inc
Faith Pirho Inc
Faith Pirho Inc


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(Insert Drawing)